HomeHome/Android GamesAndroid Games/Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP 1.0.2Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP 1.0.2

Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP

Живые обои в стиле новой прошивки Jelly Bean 4.3

Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP - Живые обои в стиле новой прошивки Jelly Bean 4.3
1.59 MB
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Size1.59 MB
Google Play Rating★ 5 (0)
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Mod Info

Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP - живые обои в стиле новой Android прошивки Jelly Bean 4.3, которые максимально приближенно передают цветовые тона и гамму, а так же содержат приятную функцию, которая доступна в новой прошивке iOS 7 (на iPhone и iPad) - это реакция на положение акселерометра. Другими словами, когда вы вращаете ваш смартфон живые обои Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP так же будут вращаться, реагируя на положение акселерометра. Плюс ко всему, в настройках вы можете выбрать скорость движения частиц и активировать режим энергосбережения.

Android OS
Open GL
Free Space
1.59 MB
Android TV
Gamepad Support
English language

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Last date05-Oct-2013
Popularity0% (
How to install Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP

How to install Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP

  1. Download apk file
  2. After the download is complete, the downloaded file will be displayed in the notification shade (top), and will also be located in the "Download" folder (any file manager )
  3. Install the downloaded APK file using any file manager or by clicking on it (on the downloaded file) in the notification shade
  4. If you are installing apps for the first time not from Google Play (but using a file manager or browser), you will need to grant the appropriate permission. This is done only once.
  5. If the file was downloaded with the bin extension, then there are 2 options:
    1. Change the extension of the downloaded file to apk using any file manager ("rename" function)
    2. Change your browser, for example to Chrome
How to update Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP

How to update Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP

  1. To update the application, install the new version of the application over (without deleting) the old one.
  2. This update will only be possible if the previous version of the application is downloaded from us. Otherwise, there will be a signature conflict and you will see the message "Application not installed".
  3. For what "Signatures" are and what they are for, read here.

Download Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP

Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP (1.59 MB)
1.59 MB
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