Pay attention to the type of processor specified (ARM7 or ARM8). If the specified processor differs from the processor of your device, the application may not install. In addition, the mod may not work at all on emulators!
Римская армия вторглась на территорию Галлии. Но как известно это один из самых непокорных народов и они дали серьезный отпор. Возглавьте сопротивление и приведите народ к победе. Используйте всевозможное оружие, а также различные зелья от главного мага, которые помогут изгнать неприятеля с ваших земель.
How to update GALLIA Rise of Clans, Catapult [Mod Money]
To update the application, install the new version of the application over (without deleting) the old one.
This update will only be possible if the previous version of the application is downloaded from us. Otherwise, there will be a signature conflict and you will see the message "Application not installed".
For what "Signatures" are and what they are for, read here.
Last date07-Sep-2015
Popularity50% (0)
Download GALLIA Rise of Clans, Catapult [Mod Money]
Some applications may work in the background. This is necessary for the mod to work properly, connect to our server to bypass the license and check for updates periodically. If you do not need this, you can disable these functions when you first start the game.
Due to the changed signature and modification of the application, native protection may detect the application as a virus!